Children’s Parties with Gazza’s Disco Hire Professional Mobile Disco DJ Mansfield Chesterfield Derby Nottingham
Children’s Parties with Gazza’s Disco Hire Professional Mobile Disco DJ Mansfield Chesterfield Derby Nottingham.
In order to contact us please click here. Alternatively to view our social media click here, or to visit our official Facebook page please click here.
For Evening Events click here.
For Children’s Parties click here.
For Seasonal Events click here.
For Wedding Events click here.
For the best parties around with the best mobile disco dj there is then click here to go directly to the homepage.
Child, Childs and kids party.
Children’s Parties
The party starts here! Children’s discos are a large part of what I do and working full time in school as a teacher too I know exactly how to maintain control but still ensure they have an awesome time.
So no matter if you’re inviting just a few children, a whole class, or whether it be for a school disco event with the whole school present, this really is the disco for you! I take the pressure away from you, the organiser, by also providing the entertainment, dance competitions & games, interactive music videos, chance to get dressed in funky wigs and glasses as well as the birthday girl/boy getting a personalised signed card and small gift.
You literally just need to provide a few prizes and leave the rest to me and my team. Why not visit my gallery pages and see for yourself.
As with all of my discos, you will also be given a USB stick full of amazing photos taken throughout the party.
Children’s Party Packages
To view the packages available, please click the download button and remember to have a look at some of the amazing additional services I can offer you too on page 2 of the document.